Adding live rock


New Member
I have a FO tank with no live rock, I have had it up for about 3 months. I am now wanting to add live rock. How do I need to go about doing this? Do I need to take my fish out first? What is the best method in doing this? I have read books and have done some research, but am still a little clueless. Any help will be appreciated!!
Thanks so much! :jumping: :D


Active Member
Either buy precured from your local fish store or cure it yourself in a big brand new trash can before putting it into your tank... the normal die-off from uncured LR will add a LOT of ammonia to your tank, which isn't good for your fishies. Search these boards for various methods of curing LR.


Active Member
Just be sure you add CURED LR in small quantities ..... couple of pounds at a time every few days, and check for ammonia and nitrites throughout the addition period. If you're having the rock shipped or it's more than a 1hr drive from your LFS, you should cure it again in a seperate container. :D


Active Member
I read the information on this thread, and it was a HUGE help. Thank you!!!
I'm in the process now of getting my tank ready for live rock...hopefully tomorrow, depending on temp readings. I just love this!!!


Active Member
I'm glad it helped! This hobby IS exciting, isn't it?
I don't think I've ever researched and learned about something so much in my life. I wish I could apply myself like this in class lol.