Adding Live Rock ????

My LFS just had a 450 & 75 gal tank retuned from a bussiness display. The 450gal has been up for 5 years and had close to a half ton of Beautiful Fiji & Marshall Island rock that is full of life. I want to go from FOWLRLS to a reef tank and was wondering if adding about 30 more pounds of this LR will cause a cycle again or since it has been in a tank longer than Ive had my own up if it will be ok?? :confused:


Active Member
I would like to add a couple of things. First of all, was the established tank healthy. You can trasfer nasty stuff to your tanks through the LR. If everything checks out, get the new LR into your tank ASAP so stuff doesn't start to die enroute. Just obey the local speed limits!
:D You may concider bringing a big bucket of some kind so you can keep all the LR underwater while you move it. Duct tape works great for keeping the buckets/tupperware tubs sealed while enroute.
Good luck!
Dan'l :D