Adding Live Rock


New Member
I picked up about 45-50 pounds of rock today, my question, is there any paticular way I should arrange them or is it just preference, one more question for now the light that I purchased kind of like just sit on top of the tank and most of the setups I've been seeing have like legs, so like there up aways from the tank..... Thanks in advance.....


New Member
Ok,, so whats the next step ,,, live rock is in the tank, I picked up about 55 lb's I will post some photos, so now what kind of coral do I need to look for and how much do I need and the type, I only plan to add around 6-7 fish ,,,
What does it mean to cycle, what am I looking to achieve, Like i said bare with me, I'll get it,,,


Okay, first off what size is your tank that will help us out a lott with the fish you decide to choose.
I suggest you read the 101 tips in the new hobbyist sections, it is full of great information
A quick run down on your cycle, once you add in your saltwater and live rock, you need something to kick off the cycle, a raw cocktail shrimp works well, or you can just use your live rock. This will introduce ammonia into your tank, you need to test your water, and you will see an ammonia spike. Bacteria grow that convert ammonia into nitrites, then nitrites are consumed and turned into nitrates.
Ammonia and nitrites are very bad for your livestock so NO LIVESTOCK until your ammonia levels and nitrites remain at 0 for atleast a week while ghost feeding. For a fish only tank nitrates can go as high as 40 ppm and for a reef tank 20ppm, but 0 is always better. The best way to lower nitrates is with water changes.
Also remember, due to evaporation, you will need to add freshwater to your tank everyday, easiest way is to mark a line on your tank, or your sump. Make sure your using ro, ro/di or distiled water in your tank, tap water is bad.
That about sums it up for now, I'm sure I missed something but remember, DO NOT add any livestock until your ammonia and nitrites are 0, this could take a couple weeks to a month or more, be patient, keep an eye on your water parameters, and ask lots of quetions, you have much to learn
Also welcome to the site!