adding mh



I have been bouncing around the thought of upgading to more lights. Right now i have 3-96 wat pc's that i would keep on my tank and add two 175 watt mh. Would i have a problem with burning my corals. How would i acclimate them to the new light. I am also worried about heat my tank runs at 78-80 and i don't want it any hotter. I could add more fans... do you think i will be happy with this upgrade i don't want to lose anything that i have. I am worried about my shrooms some zoo's that are at the top. what do i do should i go ahead and buy it..


Active Member
If all you want to keep are zoo's and shrooms then don't waste your money. They can be perfectly healthy and happy with pc lighting. If you want to get into more light intensive corals such as sps and clams then think about getting the mh's. Zoo's and shroom can be "burned" by halides but if you acclimate them to the light slowly then they will be fine.


depending on what you have in your tank already, if you started with your new halides at 2 hours, and then increased the light duration by an hour every two weeks, you will be able to aclimate most things fine, especially if you have a fairly deep tank and are only going with 175's. this is very easy if you have a timer... just add a half hour to the "on" time every sunday until you get up to about 8 hours a day.