ADDING more crushed coral?


Im wanting to add more crushed coral to my tank, it only has about an inch and I want it to have at least 2 more inches.
Question is will it hurt my tank in anyway? making it go into shock or anything? just wanted to ask before I do it.


i heard that if you place the bag at the bottom of the tank then cut the bag and try and carefully remove the sand that it doesn't make as bad of a cloud in your tank. im just glad im not thinking of adding sand to my tank.


Active Member
It will not be any prob. just rinse the dust out before adding and don’t smother or bury any thing…


yea when I bought the whole setup about two years and got the crushed coral and rock with it. I didnt know much about swt so I didn't think anything of it, I love sand alot better but I think it might be more of a hassle to switch. Should I just add more live sand instead? I only have a little over an inch of crushed coral.

salt monger

try this use a piece of pvc pipe that reaches the bottom and extends out of the top of the water and pour sand through it with a funnel, it will diminish the cloundy factor.


When I moved my 75G to my 180G I spent hours sifting the crushed coral out and carefully putting back all of the worms and such. I love the sand, so much prettier than the crushed coral mix. Plus the gobies seem to like it better too.


Active Member
if you just pour sand over the crushed coral, eventually the sand will fall to the bottom and the crushed coral will end up on top.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nycbob
i'd just add more live sand on top of the cc.
In addition to what Teen said above, burying CC under sand will give you an almost immediate Nitrate factory.
Adding CC on top of old CC runs you the same risk.


Active Member
my nitrate is at 0. guess bc i am running a fuge and hv bunch of xenia in my tank. i do hv a few lbs of cc mixed in w my ls when i first started my reef.