adding more fish


New Member
I have a 90 gallon with 150 pounds of live rock. i have a protein skimmer, UV sterilizer, sump. My tank is 5 months old. I currently have a yellow tang, niger trigger, blenny, 2 false clowns, and a valentini puffer. i would like to add another fish or two. Could I add a porcupine puffer or some sort of angel? i want an easy fish. Any ideas or opinions? Thanks!

who dey

Active Member
porcupines can be tough to keep but they are really cool. I had one 3 years ago that didn't make it because i was stupid and didn't realize they need hard, textured, crunchy foods in order to file down their teeth or else they can;t eat and they will starve to death. i would go for the angel


not the right size tank for these guys. they grow huge and fast. if you want angels you might want to think about a pygmy angel but def not a porcupine even though these guys are cool.


New Member
How about an Atlantic pygmy angel? Are they blue? Easy to maintain? And is my tank mature enough? it is about 5 months old. I am worried about my yellow tang. i had a blue face angel but lost it-I never saw the tang harrass it but she is queen of the tank. I have lots of live rock with plenty of nooks and crannies. My blenny controls the top part of the rocks and the tang the bottom part. I am still getting over loosing the blue face-she was one beautiful fish and I want ot try another blue face angel but am scared. Are blue face angels difficult or as someone told me my tank should be at least 9 months mature. Any suggestions? Thanks-your opinions on here are greatly valued!


that's definitely why it died. ur tank isn't mature enough to have a blueface. i'd wait at least 9 months before getting one. if you want an angel try coral beauty or flame. your tank is mature enough for that. i myself just bought a blueface and am kicking myself because the next day they had an emperor for the same price.