Adding more Live rock ??'s

Since my tank has been set up, for almost a year, I have been unpleased at the rock work of only 26.7 lbs doing a balancing act on two chunks of dead rock.
My ?? is, I would like to build the rockwork higher and maybe double the amount already there. I was wondering what is the most amount of rock I could add at one time without throwing off the system?
I would also like to build my sb to a dsb. two more inches.
Please help!!!
I have two percula clowns, one watchman goby, one yellowtail blue damsel and one lawnmower blennie.
Corals = a colony of striped mushroom corals, a colony of hairy mushroom corals, branch caulestrea, green lace gorgonian, some cup coral thing, feather duster and three moom polyps.
How do I go about this tedious job?

got krabs

from what I understand 15-20 lbs is about the max if it isn't completely cured.maybe you could set up another tank and place it in there till it cures

mr . salty

Active Member
Your best bet is to buy it at a GOOD local store.This way you know if it is fully cured or not,and you can minimise dieoff by getting it in your tank ASAP.Even then you may want to limit yourself to 10lbs every couple weeks.As for the sand,you can add as much as you want,whenever you want.I used Natures Ocean in my tank,and never had a problem...No cloud,,,No cycle...

car guy

go to your lfs and check out the lr, if you want to cure it more buy it and ask them to cure it longer for you, we do it at my store, so se if thet'll do it at your store