More Quotes from WWM!!!!
"Despite the fact that there are several different types, almost every piece of live rock is fundamentally the same thing. It's all limestone that has been collected from various areas in the sea where loose chunks of rubble can be picked up. In most cases this limestone rubble accumulates in areas naturally, but in others it has been specifically placed somewhere with the intentions of collecting it later.
When it is collected, these pieces of limestone have all sorts of organisms living on their surfaces and also within their porous interiors, and this is where the "live" part of "live rock" comes from. In general, you can expect a significant variety of microorganisms to populate any given piece of live rock and most will also have at least some coverage of coralline algae giving it a patchy purple, pink, and/or red appearance. A large part of what you’ll see for sale has those minimum inhabitants. On the other end of the spectrum, top-quality live rock has those organisms and may also carry a surprising variety of macroalgae, sponges, tunicates, bryozoans, worms, clams, snails, crabs, hermit crabs, shrimps, barnacles, brittle stars, sea stars, sea urchins, anemones, and soft and stony corals, etc. Lots of stuff! "
Another Quote on Lace Rock off WWM!
"Lace rock is mined from ancient reef formations which are a non-renewable resource (dead). Live rock is a living and renewable resource of vast quantity/potential."