Adding/Moving Corals?


I am doing a FOWLR tank, and in a few months I plan to add some soft corals since I am using appropriate lighting for some basic corals (20k and 50/50).
So if I purchase a few online, or from my LFS, how exactly do you add them to your tank? Do you just stick them anywhere? Do they stick to rocks or how do you add them to rocks?


Active Member
They usually come attached to a plug or rock. If they aren't, then you will have to attach them. After temp acclimating them (and some would suggest a dip) you can put them in. Depending on what type they are, you may need to start them close to the bottom and then move them up as they get used to the light. What type of lighting are you using? PC, T5s, HQI?


Active Member
if you have a fowler make sure none of your fishes will eat coral. Alot of aggressive fish that are normally kept in fowlrs are coral biters
