Adding my eel


WHOA!! My cycle is over nitrites, ammonia, and nitrates are at 0, and either today or tom. we're goin buy a little snowflake. Also, we're going get a few hermits to help with the diatoms, and new air stones for the skimmer. I would get a pic of him, but my mom broke the digital camera.


Active Member
Mark, Congrates on the snowflake, we have 2 and love them, we will never be with out one now. Hope you injoy yours as much as we do ours..Good Luck!!Lisa :D


Well, we got him today $14, really healthy, found his own little crevase. Damsels have been eyeballing him, but he can hold his own. He's about 8-10 inches long, not very sure.


Active Member
Mark, what will you be feeding him? We feed ours a veriety, squid, crab, Formula one, they both love the crab, I think that is there favs. Everyonce in a while for a treat we will toss them a goldfish, maybe once a month, they don't have the proper nutrition for them, but I don't think once in a while it hurts them. I can't wait til you see yours eat the first time, its awesome, they go into a death type roll, its really neat...
Please keep me posted as to how hes doing.


Well, when the guy was neting the eel, I went to the freezer to look for some food. I thought about forumula one, but I got some frozen smelt for $3 a pretty good sized bag of it. So, I'm gonna wait till Monday to feed it, let him get adjusted. And when should I turn the lights back on? I dont want the eel to stress out.


Active Member
I think it would be ok to turn your lights on now, I always wait for 3-4 hours after I add a new fish. Let me know how he likes the smelt, I've never seen it in any lfs before. I do know they are fresh water and they won't have very good nutrients for him, so I would probaly only give them to him occ. Lisa


Active Member
smelt also live in saltwater. they arent feeders either, so they have good nutrients. i they are a good foodsource, alot like silversides. bo


I give my snowflake a diet in silversides and krill. These two seem to work great together. He too occasionally gets live feed (ghost shrimp).


Mark, my snowflake eats almost everything. He eats silversides (man those smell), krill, aquid, and brine. Those are what I've tried so far, and he eats them all.


We feed Morty (goldentail) a variety of yummies...squid, brine, bloodworms, krill...he's pretty satisfied with them all!
I am with Lisa and we give our friends a little treat every now and again of some little goldfish. Hard to watch, but they really enjoy it! Guess it's the equivalent of our "chocolate fix."


Active Member
See I learn something everyday, I didn't know there was such a thing as saltwater smelt, we have fresh water on all sides of us and we smelt dip. Thanks Grouperhead, for bring me up to date...
Mark, how is your snowflake today, I hope he has ajusted well. Lisa


Well, my eel is doing pretty good. Check out what I posted last night when I got home from homecoming at counterhit=yes I came home and saw my eel in the overflow, but we got him out. I wrote in pretty good detail so check that out. He's fitting in really nicely, his little hole in the lr is his for sure.
We also got a few hermits to help with the diatoms. We did buy a pretty big one, almost the size of a golf ball, and like 10 small blue legs. They're just motoring along, keeping everything clean.
Seems like I did make a good choice, my lfs did have a golden tail, and 2 chainlinks, but I went with the snowflake. I think I'm gonna name it Monty short for Montezuna (my parents went to SDSU, that's there mascot) or Tommy (for Tommy Trojan, my sis is at USC)
[ September 30, 2001: Message edited by: Mark-24 ]


Do you guys think that I should feed him today? He seems like he's adjusting really well. I just made a feed stick for him, it was pretty simple. If we can't feed him today, we'll do it tomorrow.


Go for it mark. My chainlink and snowflake ate the day they were purchased. He will eat, believe me.


Congrats on the snowflake moray they are really neat animals. I had a moray when i was in high school around 5 years ago it was cool and ate crabs and small fish. I dont have any marine tanks set up, but plan on setting up one soon. The marine animals i am really wanting to keep and wouldnt be are the giant moray eels and some of the sharks species. My lfs has a good to amazing collection of marine fish that they sell. Last time i was there, they had 3 moray eels, one ribbon eel, 3 banded bamboo shark, and one electric ray which was pretty cool. :)


hey snowflake, you said your blueleg has grown. I was under the impression that blue legs had no ability to grow a new shell. I thought that only astrea's grew bigger and the hermits took over their shell's. However I thought my hermits looked bigger. but who knows. Maybe Im mistaken or maybe you threw some bigger shells in. ? just curious.
Mark did you ever think of knocking down the ark way and putting your tank in between both rooms? Just wondering your tank is sickning(I mean that in a good way).