Adding new corals to reef system


New Member
I have a 55 gal reef and fish aquarium,with 350 magnum,2 power heads,pulling thru a 2" coral substrate,8watt uv,mini reef filter with bio balls,and protein skimmer.Water quality is good no nitrites,ammonia is fine,ph is at 8.3,nitrates are low,calcium is at 480. System has been setup about 2 years. I have a coral beauty,bicolor angel,Purple Tang,and a Black Lion. I have been wanting to introduce some new coarls in addition to the frogspaw,colt(that is huge)and a bubble that I have. I have been thinkin about an open brain,and an elegant. but b4 I sink in the $. I was curious as to what everyone thinks. I believe it will be ok but does anyone have any suggestions.