adding new maroon


Okay...need some opinions/other's experience with this:
I have my female maroon (quite large..probably about 3 inches and hosting a bta).
I decided a few days ago to order a gold strip from in the hopes she might pair up with him.
Yesterday while rearranging some stuff in the tank, she (for the first time) decided to keep after me and kept biting my hand! I actually thought it was kindof funny but...
Now my new clown arrived, and he's super tiny (and really adorable!) probably about an inch long.
She of course is not happy with him...keeps swimming at him and biting at him.
Am I condemning him by leaving him in there in the hopes they will get along eventually...or if she has become this aggressive towards my hand will she also stay really aggressive towards him?
I have a biocube I can set back up and put him in it...but I was hoping they would bond!
This sucks.


IMO, I would keep an eye on him for injuries or stress, but marroons are pretty tough. They should eventually come to an understanding, and peace will fall across the aquarium. Of coarse even my 3 year old pair of Perc's have their days.


well, so far he's pretty smart about staying on the opposite side of the tank.
If they have more issues I'll probably re-arrange the stuff in the tank and see if that works.


I had the same issue when i added a second clarkki but after two days the bonded...the female (who also use to bite my hand while cleaning the tank) wanted to let him know who the boss was!!! she really tought! she even chases away the trigggers when they approach her anemone! good luck but watch them ..


My lfs have told me my best bet would be to put my female in a netting or something of the sort so that the male can get established in the tank.


Well...she doesn't seem to be going after him like she did the first day (she was hunting him out!). She is minding her own business. So far he only has one little top fin torn from day 1 and nothing since...keeping my fingers crossed!
Hahaha...the day she was going after my fingers she must have banged into a rock cuz she has a little booboo on the top of her head. That'll teach her (although probably made her even madder).

I REALLY hope they pair up...I wanted another clown but thought this is probably the only one she 'might' get along with if it's her mate. I didn't want to risk a different kind of clown that she wouldn't pair up with...that would be a death sentence for the newbie!


Originally Posted by peachie98
Well...she doesn't seem to be going after him like she did the first day (she was hunting him out!). She is minding her own business. So far he only has one little top fin torn from day 1 and nothing since...keeping my fingers crossed!
Hahaha...the day she was going after my fingers she must have banged into a rock cuz she has a little booboo on the top of her head. That'll teach her (although probably made her even madder).

I REALLY hope they pair up...I wanted another clown but thought this is probably the only one she 'might' get along with if it's her mate. I didn't want to risk a different kind of clown that she wouldn't pair up with...that would be a death sentence for the newbie!
Maroons are pretty agressive towards other clowns. I wouldn't push it.


Originally Posted by J-Ville
Maroons are pretty agressive towards other clowns. I wouldn't push it.
That's why I only added the new maroon. Yesterday she actually swam up to him and just hung out for a couple seconds...he was nervous of her and kept swimming away but she wasn't acting aggressive at all.