adding new rock and sand to established tank?


Hey guys,
i recently added about 16 lbs of live rock and about 3 lbs of live sand to my already established 24 gallon nano cube. Its been up and running for about 2 years give or take and everything had died not that i had much to begin with. So the tank is empty besides the water rock and sand. I recently got a new light to add so i can keep corals healthier and the light i got was the 20” SunPod 1X150W 14K HQI. I was just wondering if i should expect a spike in my water quality or if i would be able to add a fish or a coral tomorrow? or will my water quality stay relatively the same or should i wait a week or two? any advice is appreciated


Active Member
Originally Posted by Frank2005
Hey guys,
i recently added about 16 lbs of live rock and about 3 lbs of live sand to my already established 24 gallon nano cube. Its been up and running for about 2 years give or take and everything had died not that i had much to begin with. So the tank is empty besides the water rock and sand. I recently got a new light to add so i can keep corals healthier and the light i got was the 20” SunPod 1X150W 14K HQI. I was just wondering if i should expect a spike in my water quality or if i would be able to add a fish or a coral tomorrow? or will my water quality stay relatively the same or should i wait a week or two? any advice is appreciated

You should expect a spike in your water quality
And the new rock is the big reason
The recycle may not take as long but the only way to know is to test…


okay? how long would it take to show up if i tested tomorrow afternoon and my levels are fine should i take that as a sign my water levels are stable again or could that just mean the water hasnt had a chance to spike yet?


Active Member
I would test for two - three days
Your test may not read the change the day after you add the rock
but if the rock is like most you will see some nitrate

payton 350

depends on the rock and this rock already cured from the lfs...if so you should not have any spike unless your tank is already in the process.....
the question is why did everything die and how long ago....


the only thing i had in my tank was a clownfish and some GSP and i think the reason my GSP wound up dying was because my lights wasnt all that great it just wouldnt grow and one morning i woke up and the clownfish was in the little slit that the water blows out of. how he got in there is still a mystery too me