Originally Posted by
... As for incressing the salt level. Get yout self a bucket, ONE THAT HAD NEVER BEEN USED!!!! Also only use hte bucket for your tank no cleaning chemicals are to be ever used it it. Add the water to the bucket and make a super salt solution. So add more salt than water to the mix in teh bucket. Then slowly add it to your tank over a few days. testing your water as you go to make sure you reach the lvl you want.
I use 5 gallon water jugs from the local water dealer and add the salt in the water jugs.
I stick an airstone in it and airate it for 24 hours. Since the air pumps have a couple of outlets each, you can do multiple bottles by each tank if you did a water change. Those bottles for water changes are labeled and filled with salt. The water for top offs (since salt does not evaporate) is in other water bottles that are labeled so no one accidentally adds salt to those bottles.
After 24 hours, I stick the water jug on a ladder and literally drip the water in my tank with tubing so my tank doesn't deal with temperature fluctuations.
Some may think this is overkill or it takes too long, but since the 5 gallon jugs are airated next to the tanks and the water is already room temp, putting up ladders and dripping the water into the tanks isn't a big deal to me since each tank has a closet next to it where a ladder is stored.
One day, if my husband ever gets his face out the garage tinkering with the vettes and his light shows I am going to make my husband put electrical outlets in the closets so the airation can be done in each of the closets and the water bottles can be prepared out of sight completely.
The fish are healthy, no one is overly stressed out and I can make sure my salinity levels don't fluctutate either for the critters.
Denise M.