Adding sand, question


I set up my new 120g today and kept the original owners sand. The sand is a bit lacking in some parts and I would like to add more. Is the possible sand storm going to cause issues? I still haven't put the 2 fish that I have in a separate container into the main tank until I can figure out the best route to take.
Also, since I am keeping the fish in a separate container...If I added sand would it be best to turn off everything I have circulating the water to let the sand settle?
Any insight or pointers would be great. Thanks!


I'm no expert but from what I've read you definately want to turn off the filters and such for a little bit to let thing settle.


Turn off the pumps so that the sand does not get sucked up. If you're adding live sand it should settle quickly. Once sand is settled, turn pumps on. Add the fish after everything is good to go. They cannot survive very long in containers alone, they will need oxygen and the heater to maintain the temperature.


Unless just dumped in the top, sand actually settles quite quickly, although I would turn all water-moving devices off.
I added my sand ('bout 90lbs dead, 20lbs live) just by using a large plastic cup to scoop some up, lowered the cup into the tank until it filled with water, then moved the cup lower in the tank and slowly poured it out, either directly or down a tube to reach the nooks-and-crannies. The dead sand was well rinsed, and I had nearly zero cloudiness.