adding some inverts


New Member
I am new to this hobby. I have a 55 gallon with 40 lbs live rock, LS and CC. I have 2 percs and about 7 hermits. I have had the fish for about 2 weeks and the tank is 4 months old. I had a rough start but things are going well now, and I am thinking about adding some inverts. I am considering ordering them from SWF as they are much less expensive, but I am a little worried about adding that many at one time. Is there a problem with adding a large number of inverts at one time like there is adding a large number of fish?
I am thinking about getting:
2 queen conchs
2 scarlet cleaner shrimp
4 Peppermint shrimp
1 orange linkia starfish
Any problem with this list and does anyone have any recommendations? Any help would be appreciated.