Adding Southdown

jimmy g

Im getting a couple bags of southdown today and i was wondering if i can add it all at once without a problem?


Better to pre cure it in old tank water from a water change. Several threads disscus it, I've done it once now.
Get a tub and place your sand in it, pour the water in and stir, use a powerhead to keep water circulating if you like, should be ready in a weeks time. Cuts cloudiness way down and you should be able to add about 1/4-1/2 inch depth per week to an existing sandbed.

jimmy g

Well i dont think its southdown but i picked up a couple bags anyways...its in a clear and white bag and it says "Best Play Sand" on it (sorry no pic). is it the same thing and is it safe to add to my tank?


Take a sample of your sand and test some of the sand with vinegar. If it bubbles/dissolves, it is calcium carbonate sand and should be safe to use.
Take some sand and pass a magnet over it or in it, it might come out with little metal shavings from processing, if it does I would not use it. Though I have heard of some who have with little poor effects. Iron can actually be a fertilizer for algae.

jimmy g

No, it has no color on it...just a clear bag that says "Best Play Sand" in black. I will do what u said Thomas thanks a lot.


I know some people use regular playsand (not carribean, like South Down) and say they don't have problems, but an old roommate of mine used playsand with silica and it turned into a CRAZY ALGAE tank. Insane! I just laughed at him because he spent more money on "clean up" than on buying the right stuff the first time.