Adding T-5's to a MH setup


HI guys,
I have a 48''L by 23''H by 18''W, 90 gallon tank currently equipped with 2 250 watt DE metal halides, giving me 500 watts in total.
Basically I was wondering if it would be worth it to add 4 54 watt T-5 tubes to this tank (2 on each side), and how much benefit this would lend me, as a deal on these lights has presented itself.
I already have bubble tip anemones transferred from my old tank, and I plan to keep LPS and softies, in addition to zoanthids and corallimorphs. I will certainly give SPS a whack when my setup "matures".


Active Member
You should be able to keep anything you want in that tank with the MH's that you already have. You could get some nice colors if you add actinic T5's, but I would say that you definitely dont "need" them.


Thanks for the quick reply. I think I might go for a couple of actinic t-12 VHO, or even just NO, instead. Having seen these and their effect on corals first hand, I think they may be more what I'm looking for.


Active Member
I'd go with the T5 before the VHOs. You don't just have to run actinics. There are a lot of bulbs that will make colors pop more than just the halides alone.


Active Member
We put a set of retro T5's as supplemental lights for our 150 g setup. It has 2 400W MH's and a 250W LED bulb. Currently we have the T5's with true actinics and reef blue bulbs. That way I can have the T5's come on 2 hours before and after MH's.


Active Member
I added two 36 inch t5s with actinic bulbs. Its nice to have them on before and after the mh are on and off. They are a nice plug and play unit.


Active Member
i also have halides with t-5 actinic supplement. i like them alot better than the VHO's as far as output verses power consumption.