Adding to 60g. DT...


New Member
Hey fellow salter's, I'm thinking of adding to my 60g. DT and would like a few suggestions. At the present time I have 1 lunare wrasse, 1 Snowflake,3 common crabs,2 red legged crabs. I have 4 damsels in my qt and wanna add maybe 1 or 2 other fish. I had the trigger thing going for a while but decided to get away from the very aggressive stuff. I'm not so much worried about the crabs but I don't want to get rid of my lunare and my sfe hides all day.
Any Suggestions? Thanks Guys & Gals


Active Member
First thing I'd do is skip the damsels. They turn into horrible little monsters that will dictate what you can put into your tank for as long as you have them. I think topics relating to "damsel regret" may be the most common subject on this forum. You lunare wrasse is a great fish, but not a tankmate for anything whimpy. A big maroon clown may be a good fish for you, but there are many.
Edit: maybe a lion? Many folks try to keep them with triggers or puffers, where they often don't do well; but your tank should be a good home for a dwarf/med lionfish.