Adding Water to New Aquarium


I am setting up my new aquarium and was wondering whether I can use tap water to fill the tank or if I should use RO/DI water. I would have to buy the RO/DI water and lug it home, so tap water would be much easier. What should I do?


Active Member
Definitly ro water. That is the one thing i regret about setting up my tank. You will have less algae and better water quality.


I say use tap water to fill tank. No sense in lugging around that many gallons of water. Just make sure you use water conditioner to remove the chlorine. No sense in carrying aroud so many gallons of water. Just make sure water changes are done with R.O. after that.


Active Member
How big is your new aquarium?
I could see where you would want to use tapwater if it was a tank that would take 30 minutes to fill with a water hose, but if it's the twenty-nine gallon that you have listed under your name, I would safe myself the future heart ache and spend the money.