Additions to a 10 gallon


I have a 10 gallon that has been cycled for 3 weeks now with 5 pounds of LR and 10 pounds of live sand. I also have a hob filter as well. Currently the tank consists of 2 false clowns, 2 blue leg hermit crabs, and 8 snails. I would like to add some more inverts that would add in the clean up and maintenance, as well as be enjoyable to watch. Would like to also add a starfish thats small in about 6 months when the tank has matured and stabilized somewhat but do not know if this is going to be a reality. What would everyone suggest for some cool inverts, or even another small fish? Will I be able to get away with the starfish in the future? If you want to, feel free to post pics of the creatures currently in your nano to give me some ideas (and show off a little).


lets see some pictures!! im thinking about starting a 10 gallon tank also after i get this 20 gallon up...

mpls man

Active Member
as far as adding more fish i would say no, i'm looking at 2 for my 12 gal and i think that's pushing it...
a star fish ........NO!! IN A 10 GAL....hello
i have 2 in my 75 gal reef.
they need at least 100lbs of live rock and even more to survive.


put a cleaner shrimp in there, and you'll be fine. in a 10 gallon, you already have more than enough of a cleaner crew. i have a 12 gallon, with three hermits, two margarita snails and a blood shrimp and the tank is very clean


if you REALLY watched levels and did frequent water changes, you can push a third fish in, like a small chromy or something


thanks, i realized about the starfish after researching them some more. Any chances of some pics of both of those 12 gallons? ***)


Active Member
i'd take InnerDragon103 advice and get a cleaner shrimp.
as for other inverts, pick up one or two small nassarius snails. they eat detritus along with uneaten food. they bury them selfs in the sand and pop out when they smell food. they are fun to watch. when i feed my tank, i watch them pop up like submarines.
as for the starfish, keeping linckias or fromias would be out of the question. but chocolate chip, brittles, or serpent stars would be ok. i personally have two cc and a serpent in a 10 gallon.


I currently have 2 nassarius snails, 2 marg. snails, and 3 astrea (snails) with 2 blue leg hermit crabs as clean up crew. I had a cleaner shrimp but it died, and seeing how they are $30 at the LFS, I want to try something a little less sensitive to salinity, Ph, etc. as I am a newbie to Saltwater still. How is the Chocolate chip starfish working out? Are they entertaining to watch? I want to get a starfish but I hear you need to wait at least 6 months before attempting for everything to stabilize and the tank to mature.
Still wanting to see some more nano pics. Don't make me beg.


Active Member
Originally Posted by jba6511
I currently have 2 nassarius snails, 2 marg. snails, and 3 astrea (snails) with 2 blue leg hermit crabs as clean up crew. I had a cleaner shrimp but it died, and seeing how they are $30 at the LFS, I want to try something a little less sensitive to salinity, Ph, etc. as I am a newbie to Saltwater still. How is the Chocolate chip starfish working out? Are they entertaining to watch? I want to get a starfish but I hear you need to wait at least 6 months before attempting for everything to stabilize and the tank to mature.
Still wanting to see some more nano pics. Don't make me beg.

ok, didn't know what kind of snails you have. looks like a good clean up crew.
if you had a cleaner shrimp you may want to give something else a try.
As for the less sensitive statement, i wouldn't get a starfish unless you are checking and maintaining your parameters. stars are sensitive to salinity as well as other parameters. as for a 6 month or older tank....i believe that this is mainly for fromias or linckias. BUT, its also good for a newbie to wait for 6 months or so, so you can get adjusted to keeping good water quality.


any recommendations for other inverts or maybe a small fish? was looking at sally lightfoot crabs, fire shrimp, peppermint shrimp, or maybe a few sexy shrimp. Would like something interesting and fairly active. Also, something easy to acclimate and fairly hardy (if such a creature exists). Thanks for all of the help so far.


I haven't purchased any but I know you can find some cool halloween crabs that are bright orange and maybe some bumblebee snails to give you some variety. I also agree with the nassarius snails they are pretty cool.


Active Member
bumble bee snails are not reef safe.
i think sally lightfoots are ok, if they get enough to eat. mine died, not sure why.
i haven't kept any shrimp so maybe someone else will chime in.


i just read that sally lightfoot crabs can get mean when they get older and will try to eat anything, including fish. Can someone please state if this is indeed true?
ok, now I am begging....... PICS PLEASE...Come on....