additions to a reef


I have a twenty gallon long reef tank. My lighting consists of a 36 watt blue bulb and a 36 watt white. I allready have three open brains and a cup coral. my filter is excelent and my protien skimmer copasatates a 50 gallon tank. i also have 1 cardnalfish.
what would be some good corals and fish to add to my tank.
There is alot of things that I cant even think of that you could put as far as corals go. Well it depends how hard you want take care of and if you have good water movement or not. If you dont have a small powerhead you really should add one. But assuming you have one you can start on some easier things like maybe a leather or toadstool. If your tank is established well than I would say that you could have a clam of some sort to add color if you want also. My favorite is Purple Maximas but they can be harder to keep than someting like a derasa but are still a good choice. I love scolymias as well i personally have 3. one is dark red with a green center, one is orange and white striped and one is a solid light brown. Their is many other scolymias and almost none of them are exactly alike just find one that looks good.( be sure you see it open fully before you buy one). That seems like pretty decent lighting for some nice corals that are pretty hardy. I would just try to stay away from acraporas and things simular(hynophora, montapora, etc.) Thse require really good lights and super good water quality. You could also try some different types of mushrooms and polyps. The only thing i have a concern with is if you can keep the water quality consist on a tank that small. It all depends on if you are able to keep the water stable and if you can on a tank than small many things are possible.If you cannot keep the water decently consistant than I would forget alot of corals, but it is possible. Just be careful and ask alot of questions before you buy.


Have you thought of adding a shrimp? They make a very nice addition to a reef. They are different types and you can find lots of infos in the archives of this site (do a search). I like the Coral Beauty angelfish (nice color and he hopefully won't bother the cardinal). In any case, be careful of the fish you pick up otherwise your cardinal will get stressed or hurt... :D


I wouldn't add too many fishes in that size of a tank. It'll be tough to maintain good water conditions. You can add some shrimps or crabs and maybe one more fish. Just make sure you get one that will not outgrow your tank. Good luck.


Stick with soft corals. They're easier than hard corals. Mushrooms and polyps are very hardy too.