Additions To My 90 G F/O tank

karl nyhus

New Member
I currently have a 90 gallon tank cuurent live stock is one Majestic Angel One Purple Tang.
I recently lost an Asfur angel and A Nasu Tang.
Was this to many? Both the fish died within two days of each other. With no signs of disstress,
The first sign was I noticed the Nasu did not eat
the next day he was breathing hard and died.
Same with the asfur who died one day later. Both with the same symtoms. All my water levels checked ok Amonia 0 Nitrate 0 nitrite 0 Ph 8.3
Current filtration is Wet dry filter rated to 150
gallons return pump genx mach 4 E.T.S evolutuion
500 skimmer powerd by genx Mach 4 pump as well.
Aqua 15watt u.v. Can i add more fish or was i overstocked to begin with and was that the cause of death. Wanted to add a Queen Angel possibly
another Nasu, or any other recomendations would be appricieated. Only asking Because if i was overstocked dont want to make same mistake twice.