

New Member
What's the general consensus on using additives such as Kent Iodine, Strontium, and Calcium to your reerf systems? I know water changes replace the trace elements, but from what I understand Iodine is particularly quick to filter out.


This is totally just my personal opinion. I generally do not add any additives on a regular basis, because I feel that they are unatural chemicals. I will add a few drops of iodine once in a blue moon, and that is only because of my shrooms. Again, just my opinion, and it works well for my tanks:)

the claw

Active Member
Personally, IMHO, I think that if you do regular water changes, then you only may need to add calcium and PH buffers. The rest will be taken care of. should only add additives after you have tested your water parameters to make sure you need them, and you are not overdosing.
I think it really depends on your tank and what you test for.Good rule is to NEVER add anything to your tank that you can not test else would you know if it was low or not?


Active Member
calcium and calcium carbonate are really the most important of all as they are essential in the formation of coral skeleton!
good luck

nm reef

Active Member
I prefer to not use additives that I am not able to accurately test for...personally I try to keep my additives as simple as possible. Calcium and alkalinity are the only items supplimented. Everything else is maintained via regular water changes.:cool:

bang guy


Originally posted by jonthefb
calcium and calcium carbonate are really the most important of all as they are essential in the formation of coral skeleton!

Just fixing a typo so as not to confuse new hobbiests.
It should read "Calcium and Carbonate are ..."
I add strontium and Iodine from Kent. My mushrooms are all over the place. SeaChem makes good test kits for both Iodine and strontium, although I think the strontium one is a realy involved titration not to mention it costs like 40 bucks.