

Do you guys/gals add any additives to your reef tanks? I've got zoos, hammers, frog spawn, xenia, and feather dusters. I've read some people add stuff, some don't. I'd like to get as many opinions as I can from here, vs. my LFS. Thanks.


Active Member
If you are doing regular water changes that should be enough to provide your tank with everything it needs.
General Rule, Don't add anything you can not test for... so if you're worried get some calcium/ alkalinity/ magnesium/etc test kits.


Active Member
I second that emotion :happy: Test for all the things you supliment your tank with.......but I keep levels up with B Ionic.


Maybe a little phyto now and again. Other than that, the calcium, alk/buffer, and mag suppliments.
All that other stuff you can buy isn't worth it. For example something that says it will promote coral growth or better promotes coralline growth. Look at the ingreadiants. Everything in there can be found in a water change.
Leave the other additives on the shelf, you really don't need them.
In the case of xenia or mushrooms, they do like heavier traces of iodine, but you need to be careful and have a test kit for it.
Why bother with a nano, a water change will do it all.


I'm glad that I'm in agree-ance (sp?) with all three of you. I figured that if I do regular water changes, it should balance and maintain all levels. I add some dT's phytoplantkton every other day to feed the hammers and frog spawn. And I'm considering doing the iodine route for my shrooms and xenia's. Thanks for your suggestions/opinions!