

Came across an article on this additive called Vital Gold, it was called Liquid Gold but the newer version is Vital Gold and its made I think by a company called Thiel Aqua Tech! Anyway to make a long story short I can't seem to locate the company or find the product, has anyone heard of it and if not could you recommend an additive that I could use to replace lost elements and that would be good for my fish and live rock?

mr . salty

Active Member
KENT MARINE makes a whole line of products that are all great. I use Coral-Vite,and Zoe. Vite is a trace element replenisher,and Zoe is a vitamin and mineral suppliment for fish ans inverts.STEVE


What additives do you recommend for the reef tank? The only addtive I am using now is Success Coral Trace and calcium. I didn't want to add too many additives and really don't know what is best.
Thanks!! Donna


Sorry if I spell these wrong, but for a full blown reef tank you need to add: trace elements, strongtium, calcium, and iodine. TJ