Adjusting Coral's Light Level


I just bought a very small Kenya Tree Coral. It was under NO lighting, and I have PC's... about 5 watts/gallon. It is a helios model, so I can place cardboard, paper, etc under the lighting with no problem, having it lay on my polycarbonate hood. I was thinking about covering 1/2 the tank with cardboard, then with posterboard, and then just plain.
Is this a good idea? How slowly should I do this? The coral will be low in the tank. I cannot turn on my lights separately.
Thanks. :)


Active Member
u can just place it where you want it, and limit the amount of time the lights are on for a few days so it can adjust


Okay, now I am concerned about this coral. I have read conflicting articles, and some say that it is difficult to keep... I based my decision on Julian Sprung's guide that rated it a 9:10 hardiness... I hope it does okay. Anyone have one of these? How long did it take for the poylps to emerge? Thanks.


I don't have one, but found some other info... Fairly easy coral, like lots of light, and good water flow.
I found this on one site... It is not normally considered a threat to hard corals, but may itself be disturbed by their presence.

Hope this helps