Administrators & Moderators, either you please help in why this is happening or......


Just remove my remembership and there be no problem with either way, you help or not.
I post these in that other thread;
I figure that I would try just this last time and if I cannot make these changes to my own likings, I will try elsewhere. I seen some names here of members that are even a little more longer in letter and numbers and yet I wasn`t able to have my own name as to my choosen.
I had to settle for DME in which i wanted the name others knows me by as "Dragon Moray Eels" for either way, the words apart as you see here or together if its a must as here "DragonMorayEels"
Also the other thing i wanted to do was to have my message at the bottom of my posts for when I did try at that time of signing up as a member here, I couldn`t type anymore then a few letters for the message I wanted to show was;
"It is a wonder that many others could be as successful if only the patience was there."
And soon if I can make these changes to what I was trying to do at the time I sign up here, I know I can make a tank size change in which is to add to the tanks that I have. So as easy as possible, how can I change the name I have to what you see here and the full message for the bottom of my responses?
Or other wise i try one time to sign up under a second email and if that not work out, the staff here can remove DME as of now for I like to have my name as I had all the time elsewhere.
BuddyI figure that I would try just this last time and if I cannot make these changes to my own likings, I will try elsewhere. I seen some names here of members that are even a little more longer in letter and numbers and yet I wasn`t able to have my own name as to my choosen.
I had to settle for DME in which i wanted the name others knows me by as "Dragon Moray Eels" for either way, the words apart as you see here or together if its a must as here "DragonMorayEels"
Also the other thing i wanted to do was to have my message at the bottom of my posts for when I did try at that time of signing up as a member here, I couldn`t type anymore then a few letters for the message I wanted to show was;
"It is a wonder that many others could be as successful if only the patience was there."
And soon if I can make these changes to what I was trying to do at the time I sign up here, I know I can make a tank size change in which is to add to the tanks that I have. So as easy as possible, how can I change the name I have to what you see here and the full message for the bottom of my responses?
Or other wise i try one time to sign up under a second email and if that not work out, the staff here can remove DME as of now for I like to have my name as I had all the time elsewhere.

I just tried again to resign up and it is doing the very same thing, I pick my screen name as always and all of the name I like to have that I can type out is "Dragon Mor" That is all that the profile board allows me to type out. I said i seen names here that is much longer then my own and will not settle for DME and as well, I like my message sound at the bottom of each response I make.
Over all without looking around at members names here, in the few minutes I look around the longest name I found thus far is with letters, numbers and spaces of 31 total, so why is it I cannot type in Dragon Moray Eels"? As well at the bottom my post, I am only able to type three letters in all of the line I wish to have shown in all postings.
These two items is the only problems not to mention I click to receive an auto response email and I never do. But right now, I am only concern of fixing the name and other thing. Can this be fix or if not, remove me as DME from your forum site members list.
So you know, all I was able to type in for my screen name was, "Dragon Mor"
So Please either assist me in this or remove me from the site.


Active Member
ill always know and remeber you as Dragon Moray Eels in my heart and thats all that matters!!


Then you understand why is it that my request to correct this to my known name and so far the staff here not seem to careless, so if that be the case, they can remove DME from its membership.
Dragon Moray Eels ><{{{{">


Out of some 50 of who viewed this thread, I am pretty sure that a number, small as that might be were of the staff here. You are showing that you people are useless in any assistance whatsoever.
If that be the case, post that I am removed and all be well for I not wish to remain in your members name list, I want DME to be removed being that you people not tell me why I cannot have my name as I wish being that I found one with 31 letters/numbers/spaces so why I can`t type 17 letters with two spaces? So you not tell me why your board not allow me to type more then "Dragon Mor" and I am sorry, if I am to be happy with things, I like my name to my chosen and not the sites.
I ask for nothing else but that of what I am asking here and you people cannot give me any answers, you know what you can do in that case. I do however have some new eel pics but I will only post a few if I am happy with it. And later on, my 180 and 240 reef tanks pics will begin from start up till the tanks are completed in stocking.
But then again, I request that I am allowed to have my name to what I have elsewhere, my name identifies me to others who knows me from other forums.
But then again, I request that I am allowed to have my name to what I have elsewhere, my name identifies me to others who knows me from other forums. I am sorry if this request disturbs the staff or its members.


Active Member
You are showing that you people are useless in any assistance whatsoever.

OUCH!!!! Not to be too much of a jerk, but just remember this is a FREE message board! Not a premium board with membership dues.


OK mark me down for having read this message at 20:21 EST.
Nothing I or any mods can do for you. Nothing. We have no rights or privliges that include tampering with anyones profile. No edit buttons, No paramiters we can change, nothing. I could pass your request on to the Administrators of this site. After that its just a matter of wait and see.


Staff member
I think the problem is that three letter words is all he can come up with. Anything else is verbally too complicated.


Being that at the start I tried to fill in the screen name as I mentioned it as Dragon Moray Eels but the forum seem to only allowed me ten letters or number including and spaces for I seen as many as 20 or more with 20 or more total letters or whatever else they had pick for their names. So yes, being that I wanted my name as in full and not DME, it is a big deal and I only ask for Administrators & Moderators for some answer and all else but them is doing so. In which I fine is rude as hell for I wanted my name as its been now for a long time, I will not settle for less then that being that I see that so many others weren't restricted to only ten letters or numbers. I Like to have my name as I wanted from the start, period. Also, Please only the staff respond for it be simple, they either help to correct this or remove my membership.
Don't let the door hit ya where the good lord split ya
The door will not hit me where the lord splits me

Honest folks, I care not which way, I can have my name as I wanted it from the time of sign up or remove my membership.
I should be able to change my name, but you readied that all i was able to type in was Dragon Mor and that was all.
OUCH!!!! Not to be too much of a jerk
Not everyone be a PUTZ as this member, I remind you that this thread is not for your stupid comments, Im sorry for that word, but Hurt made a rather personal remark and wasn`t called for.


I believe one of the problems you may be having is that there is already a member with the name of DRAGONMORAY that may be why it is stopping you from typing more if there is a character restriction. the other person has been a member since 2004 but appears to have only made 2 posts.
It is possible that the charachter limit may have changed when the forum changed apparences a few months ago, that may be why you are experiencing the problems.
Sorry you cant have the name you want, I know how frustrating it can be not to be able to be recognized as your would like to (my first name is CONSTANTLY mispronounced by people)


Active Member
Not everyone be a PUTZ as this member, I remind you that this thread is not for your stupid comments, Im sorry for that word, but Hurt made a rather personal remark and wasn`t called for.

Give me a BREAK, are you kidding me!!!! I can't believe I'm reading this, and even more so responding to your child-like posts. Your acting like the PUTZ bud, your acting like a 3 year old for christ sake. From your profile it seems you must be a grumpy old man! The maturity in your posts are more than self evident. I'm sure everyone who has read this thread would agree. Grow up
Crying and calling out administraiters cause of a name in your profile????? Give me a break! My nickname is BigHurt and I first tried to register with it, but it was already taken. But did I put up a derogatory post aimed at the MODERATORS of this site(who by the way do a great job) to do something so I could have the screen name I truly wanted-NO.
DID I TAKE CHEAPSHOTS AT THE PEOPLE WHO MAKE THIS SITE POSSIBLE FOR OUR ENJOYMENT? NO!!! I chose to act a little more mature than you obvious seem to. I'm surprised the moderators have not yet revoked your membership. This is a free site, and you should be grateful for that!!!!!! For you to be calling people out over such a juvenile issue is beyond my comprehension. :notsure:
And how exactly did I make a personal remark other than this above paragraph promted by your ignorant statements? :notsure:


Active Member
Originally Posted by Semaj
I'm not tryin to intrude or anything....but is it THAT big of a deal?

Really! There is no reason to get so worked up and after seeing Hurt being called a putz alot of people might not want to help you anyway.
Sorry I didn't follow your request for staff only.


I believe one of the problems you may be having is that there is already a member with the name of DRAGONMORAY that may be why it is stopping you from typing more if there is a character restriction
That shouldn't really be of any problem because I was making a space following Dragon like this, "Dragon Moray Eels" and it only was allowing me some ten letters or numbers total. For I seen some quite similar names and that shouldn't madder so much.
Like at one other site I am at, there is two who have almost the same name only you can tell that one differs from the other just as this one you known about as DRAGONMORAY, so no, it still should not be of some problem.
Dragon Moray Eels


Sorry, I not seen this in time...............
Really! There is no reason to get so worked up and after seeing Hurt being called a putz alot of people might not want to help you anyway.
Sorry I didn't follow your request for staff only.
I am not work up young man and I not care as I said, the staff either helps me correct this or remove me as DME, It not madders which, for I can help benefit this forum site yours, I am here or not it will not make no difference. For the P word was because that person was rude, i not said anything to insult no one before he said his crap first.


Active Member
For the P word was because that person was rude, i not said anything to insult no one before he said his crap first.
Now you are starting to piss me off! I was no more rude than you were. My comments were made in direct response to your ignorance and attacks on the moderators! Grow up! If you care to discuss this in person, I will be in Boone NC Feb 24th-26th


Active Member
Originally Posted by DME
Sorry, I not seen this in time...............
I am not work up young man and I not care as I said, the staff either helps me correct this or remove me as DME, It not madders which, for I can help benefit this forum site yours, I am here or not it will not make no difference. For the P word was because that person was rude, i not said anything to insult no one before he said his crap first.

I am not a young man BTW
Does Alyssia look like the name of a man?


Active Member
wow this thread just got good..ITs a girl against a guy!!
very nice!! as well as exciting!!
im just tryin to post befroe it gets closed too!!! :joy: :happyfish


Now you are starting to piss me off! I was no more rude than you were. My comments were made in direct response to your ignorance and attacks on the moderators! Grow up! If you care to discuss this in person, I will be in Boone NC Feb 24th-26th
I took a second look at that post you did and I have to apologizes for the "P" word, for you weren't calling me a jerk, Please, I did post this thread for Mods only for I wanted to solve why it is what I mentioned at the start.
I am not a young man BTW
Does Alyssia look like the name of a man?
I not reaied what your name was and that you now mention it, it does not sounds like a mans name.
People, I was born in 1938, so I am no young man but young enough at heart and I normally have a great deal of patients but I will not sit here trying to reason in why they never answer and all others are making this go out of hand so please all others, stop posting I like to hear from a mod only on this.
I will tell you of something about myself, maybe you then can understand why I like my name to be as I first wanted it.
I started in this hobby at the ripe old age of eight and now I soon will be 68 yrs young and believe this or not, I have three large aquarium systems, the new and least costly tank is the new 40 gal QT/hospital tank in which after the reef tanks are finished stocking, the 40 will have some inhabitants.
The next least cost setup is my twin eel tanks, a 70 and 130 gal tanks with a 40 gal sump and ER skimmer, this setup ran me from $6,500 to $7,000 and the price not include the eels.
Next I the 180 gal reef tank that setup cost was just around $11,000 and last but lease is my new 240 gal reef tank that with full setup runs me $14,700 and both reef tanks has or will have custom build canopies.
While all is being made ready, I am getting 15 amps surge protectors for everything and with this in case of power outages I at this time have three generators that each generates for me 550 total watts and in about 4-5 years, I will have in place a self starting generator that will give me more the 64 amps of power, over 15,000 watts and that generator is over $7,000.
So again Hurt, I am sorry for not understanding you weren`t being rude a short while ago.
im just tryin to post befroe it gets closed too!!!
If the staff do that without giving me a why and they not remove my membership just then, I will see to it that they will later.


We all spend a ton of money in this hobby regardless of the type of fish we keep - the cost of your systems does not override the fact that it is a screen name and the mods have already spoken they are unable to change it.
I do not understand how the cost of your systems explains why you prefer to be called DragonMorayEel - My 110 has an estimated cost of at least 8,000 at this point and all I want people to call me is a hobbiest....