adult emperor angel pics

post what you got! most adults i see at stores are pretty ugly. but the ones has are amazing. what do you got. lets see who has the best emperor angel


I know what you mean most of them i see have weird lines smeared colors and some more strange things.


Here is a picture of mine - She was beautiful. Yes, Yellow Tang killed her. I had to get rid of my Tang - she just beat any new fish that went into the tank.


Originally Posted by dina12
Here is a picture of mine - She was beautiful. Yes, Yellow Tang killed her. I had to get rid of my Tang - she just beat any new fish that went into the tank.
Yes she was beatiful!! Sorry your tang got to her!!
Originally Posted by dina12
Here is a picture of mine - She was beautiful. Yes, Yellow Tang killed her. I had to get rid of my Tang - she just beat any new fish that went into the tank.

that was great. except its still not like the one on the website. sorry about your loss.
if any others have them please send them. also, why is the red sea emp. on the website have turquoise instead of blue. i think its looks amazing...


Originally Posted by dina12
Here is a picture of mine - She was beautiful. Yes, Yellow Tang killed her. I had to get rid of my Tang - she just beat any new fish that went into the tank.
I think that is why I am scared of putting any new big fish in my tank. I have had my yellow tang for 7 years. He had a tank mate 4 years ago which he seemed to like swimming with which was a Koran angel. I think the Koran died when it ate a bristle worm which also liked the sinking pellets. I have since stopped using them.


Active Member
I believe the difference in color lines depends on where there from. The first pic (from is from the red sea and the second from the indian ocean. I don't remember the exact price of it here on but I think the Red Sea Emperor Angel was a lot more expensive than the other.
