adult size of percula?


New Member
I've tried finding this on the web and most places state a size but I'm unsure of whether or not it is the current size or the adult size? Can anyone help me out with this?
I'm looking to get some of the smallest adult clowns. Also I've read that you can't mix clowns but on this acutal site it states that the black and white will get along fine with other clowns. Ideally I would like one black and white percula and one percula, is that not going to happen?
Thanks again for any help!

rod buehle

keep in mind that a "black and white percula" is actually not a percula at all. Its an occelaris (AKA false percula) so you would be better off searching "occelaris".
If you get a regular occelaris and a black occelaris and add them at the same time, you should have success. You will see some fighting as they pair by trying to show who is the most dominant, but hat happens when pairing any clowns.. Same species or not.
Occelaris usually max out at about 3"


Active Member
i have a clarkii that im gettin rid of today
if u live in queens new york i would b happy to sell it to u
heres a pic of him wit his favorite anenome

hes pretty big