Advanced filtration for lg (750g+) tanks


My Tenecor 750 is doing great (except for a recent ick outbreak) with a 120g sump with approx 80g bio balls, hsa 1000 skimmer, 3.5+/-" dsb. I only have 4 fish and my levels are perfect, but here is my question> Eventually, I would like to have 3-4 triggers, an eel, 2 groupers, 1-2 porcs, couple tangs and a couple of wrasses. These fish will get big and consume a lot. To offset this huge bio load, I was thinking about eventually adding 2 running 2 Rainbow 900's. I was wondering what anyone else is running with a lg agrressive tank.


You should talk to bioneck47.
You guys are the only renegades I know with 750g monster tanks!


Active Member
I only have a nano compared to you, (450 gallon
). But I have 12 good size fish. 100 gallon fuge (about 90 gallons full), 150 gallon rubbermaid sump (about 120 gallons full). I have an MSX 300 skimmer.


Active Member
yeah i would talk to bioneck47. but crimzy's filtration, well something similar and a bit bigger should be good..
can you post some pics of your tank?


Active Member
I always told myself if I got a tank north of 300gal, I would strongly look into sand filters. You might want to stop by goodwin9's thread in Fish Photography, he probably has the most "advanced filtration" of any tank on the board.