adventure aquarium camden nj...picture intense


Active Member
went to the aquarium in camden on sunday. not bad if i do say so myself. its a hell of a lot better than it used to be, before they redid the whole thing. the hippo room was pretty cool, you can go on the side of there tank and actually see them swimming in the water. pretty funny. they only had 2 reef tanks with coral in them. you can tell that they were pretty new b/c there isnt a lot of stuff in them, but they were cool anyway. im probably gonna put up about 70 or so pics so i will do it as quickly as i can. some pics are better than others, but overall i think they are all pretty good. enjoy and let me know what you think.



Active Member
this one pic of the cowfish is one of my favorites, and that little yellow and gray eel was pretty interesting



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i tried to get some good pics of the clowns snugglin with the anems, but it wasnt happening. they had 3 or 4 skunk clowns, a gsm clown, and on true perc in there. good tank, not enough good pics though....



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this mangrove tank was pretty cool. there were a couple of cow fish and butterflys and a french angel in there. couldnt get any good pics of the fish though. and about those jaws that i am standing next to, the teeth are actually real fossils. and then there is the dumb pic of me in the shark, my fiance danielle made me take the pic. i said no but she kinda threw a hissy fit about it and then made me put it online.



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the display that the toucan was in they had a three toed sloth. i love them thins, so slow, so lazy. they spend most of their lives upside down. i tried to get a pic, but it was hanging from a light fixture and the glare wasnt giving me anything that i could see clearly. the pics with the trigger were from a shipwreck display. they had some barracudas in there along with some groupers and 2 puffers about 4 feet long, they were amazing! it was a very dark display so pictures were limited here too. maybe im just not a good photographerererer?



Active Member
well thats it on this end. it took us about 2 hours to go through the whole place, not too bad i think. we should have went on a different day than sunday though. i figured that since football was on, there would be nobody there. it wasnt crowded, we didnt have to wait in line, but man were there a lot of little kids climbing all over everything! well i guess that will be me with my kids someday. not anytime soon though. hope all enjoyed!



were the permit and tarpon in the mangove tank? and what was with the hog fish, Queen triggers and sheepshead? Great pics and thanks for sharing