Wondering if any of you more expert reefkeepers out there have any advice for me. I have 55 with live sand and 30 lbs live rock up for about a month now. What I want to know is this - I have bak pak skimmer and am wondering if I could put another tank or some other container in my stand and put the skimmer on it ratyher than on the main tank. I am going to put in some new lights and I don't have room for both. What I want to do is just have an outlet tube which I assume would just work ny gravity to the tank in the stand and then a powerhead or other small pump to return the water back to the main tank. I was thinking I could also try using this extra tank as a refugium too since it would basically just be sitting there for the skimmer. If anyone else has done anything like this or has any advice I would really appreciate it. I'm so glad I found this site as you guys are really a wealth of information. I've learned a bunch from you already and I really appreciate it.