Advice needed on occupants and moving a 150 reef set up


I have an approx 125 gallon tank with:
1 hippo tang
1 yellow tang
2 ocellaris clowns
2 blue green chromis
1 coral beauty
1 royal gramma
1 red spotted blenny.
My friend is giving me his 150 gallon reef set up. I think the sump/refuge is 40-50 gallons. It has everything. All the bells and whistles. He has in his tank:
1 hippo tang,
6 line wrasse,
yellow watchman goby, and either a
diamond OR pink spotted goby... can't remember which one
Will I be able to incorporate all of these fish in one tank? The hippo tangs are a similar size. His is slightly smaller than mine. My main concern is my blenny. He can be aggressive from time to time. He's even gone after my hippo tang. I am afraid he will attack or kill the gobies.
Also, how much water from his tank should I save? Between he and I we have 10 5 gallon jugs to transport water. I also have a 32 gallon rubbermaid garbage bin with prepared saltwater and several 18 gallon storage bins. He lives less than a mile from me so we won't be moving things a long distance.
Any advice is very welcomed!


Well-Known Member

I'm not sure about 2 hippo tangs in the same tank, my book says only 1, I only have a 90g so I'm not sure if it would be okay for a bigger tank like yours...

I'm also not sure about the water...each set of fish would want the water from their established tank...
Most of the good bacteria will be on the rocks and filters. Whatever you do, don’t swap out the filter media. I think your tank has the best colony of bacteria because you have more fish in your tank, so rinse the media in some old tank water (saltwater) you are discarding to loosen any solid stuff and reuse it.
Also no matter what, you have to acclimate each fish to the new environment. Can you do a water test on each tank and see who has the best quality? If you can, then I would save as much of that set ups water as you possibly can. If they are equal in quality…keep as much water from the tank that does not have to move. Then fill the rest of the tank with new made saltwater. That makes just a big water change.
Hope this helps. That’s about the best advice I can offer, someone else might chime in with better…


I won't be putting the fish together right away. His fish are going in my 55QT and the 150DT will run fishless for a month. He's had ick in the past and never treated the fish with hypo or copper. I'm not going to risk another battle with ick.


Well-Known Member

Originally Posted by cjrose
I won't be putting the fish together right away. His fish are going in my 55QT and the 150DT will run fishless for a month. He's had ick in the past and never treated the fish with hypo or copper. I'm not going to risk another battle with ick.

Unless his tank has set empty of fish for the last 6 to 8 weeks, the ich is in the system and will make your fish sick. Quarantine everything
you get from him...keeping it fishless for the 6 to 8 weeks.
I'm so sorry I didn't see that line, I must be getting old...You already know, so do our thing and congratulations on the upgrade...



Originally Posted by Flower

Unless his tank has set empty of fish for the last 6 to 8 weeks, the ich is in the system and will make your fish sick. Quarantine everything
you get from him...keeping it fishless for the 6 to 8 weeks.
+1, go the full 8 weeks just to be certain!
As for two hippos, I don't know if I'd do that, regardless of the size.
The rest should be okay. If your blenny is aggressive, the goby might get attacked, but diamonds/pink spots usually can hold their own. My Yellow Watchmen put my blenny in his place real fast. Also, if you're moving everything into one tank, move the rock work around so that the blenny has to worry about finding a home/territory more than being aggressive towards new comers.


Active Member
Once you have the ich problem solved; I think the odds of keeping two Regals (Hippos) together are pretty good. I've done it and have seen many tanks with two. Introducing them at the same time will greatly improve your odds. I was given that info a long time ago by real pro.