Advice on a skimmer choice.



Hesitating between a JNS Gs-3,, a blau Xcuma it 200, a vertex 280 ans ans an octopus nw 200
Runinng a 120 gal thank whith a 40 gal 48 in sub.
Any advice?


Active Member
I like having a water level control knob like the Octopus. Having a collection cup with a drain option is good. Cone Skimmers are newer whether they are better than any other well-made skimmer I don’t know. I also believe that having a small skimmer may be better than a large skimmer. If the skimmer gets to big it may not skim as well as a smaller one.


Il be running 125 ponds of fiji liverock, soft and hard corals. Will populate my thank in fish and critters to the max.
My problem: Every reef shop in my erea has a different opinion on whitch would be the best skimmer. Of coure, they dona all sell the same one. I narrowed it downd to those in listed. In now need advice from an objective sour on whitch one to choose.
Thx in advance!


Well-Known Member
I personally like ASM and Octopus skimmers... I know that's not what you asked, but it's what I like.
Skimmers are a personal choice.... it's not something that we can decide for you. Look at the features of the skimmer, the warranty, the craftsmanship and your budget. Then, go from there.
On a side note, It's best not to mix SPS corals with soft corals. Also, if you are going to stock with SPS corals, you need to go with a medium-light bioload. Just sayin'