Advice on adopted fish....

mot ii

We are 'adopting' a flame hawkfish from a friend who is getting rid of their SWT. This fish was with two others for at least several months; one fish got what they think was ick (but aren't positive) so they medicated the tank (not sure what med they used...probably a typical ick med). That fish died and about two weeks later the other one died (although supposedly didn't show any signs of ick or anything else.) The hawkfish is the sole survivor, has been alone now for about a month and apparently shows no signs of ick or anything else, eats good and is his typical self. They are just tired of SW and want to change to FW.
We will take the fish and put him in our QT. My question is: if the others did die of ick or soemthing else, I know it is possible that this guy could have it and just show no signs. How long should we keep him in the QT before we could feel comfortable that he wouldn't infect our DT fish? We usually keep our fish in the QT for 2 - 3 weeks when we first get them (or they are sick and need meds). Should we treat him in the QT up front as a preventative?
Also, I've read that the flame hawkfish can be aggressive (although supposedly the most mild of all hawkfish.) Should we have any concerns that we'd have problems between him and the others (two small percula clowns, one pigmy red-stripe angel, one fairy wrasse, one cleaner wrasse and a yellow tang.) It's a 65 gal tank and everyone gets along well now...


I think it will be fine because he will be the last fish added so he should not be aggressive towards the other fish. They are not as aggressive as the freckled and some of the others.

noah's nemo

First off, great fish
Love mine.Since he will be introduced to a tank with fish already,i think he'll be fine.Mine is a model citizen(also 1 of my first fish) most off the time.I would definatley QT first(probably 4 wks or more) .I would also FW dip for 3-4 min.(Thats just me)Chances are he does have it(ick). Good luck..

mot ii

Thanks for the advice. We'll give him a freshwater dip and then do the hypo on the QT while he's in there....