Advice on Anemone tank


Active Member
I have a 24gal JBJ nano tank that's been up and running for awhile now , I also have a 40gal frag/DT. Well my son and I always wanted a small tank with just Anemones , all diff. colors etc...So instead of buying a new tank (not in the budget) I decided to move my zoa's , ric's and others over to the 40 and start the Anemone project. my question is what do you suggest as far as which ones are compatible with what. And if you have any pic's and names of any with good color. Any advice would be great!!!


Active Member
ok.... it is just CFL lighting , I know more is better , but I also know I can keep the basics with CFL. I was also told once that frogspawn would die under CFL but mine grew so big I had to sell them. 96w


Heres a full pic of my tank(not very good with camera) I got just about everything in my tank you can name and never had any problems
Just lmk when you are ready to do some dealing
I got any size
they are all rbta though
p.s. that pic was about 3 4 months ago when I got my tank up and running again..........I will take more updated photos!!



Active Member
yea you got me!!! thanks for the pic's! I did some homework and I think that 96w of CFL which is 4w per gallon is better then 70w MH that a viper would give me. I also think that the larger MH are too much light for such a small tank. If we are past the light issues , any suggestions for types and compatibility yet??


mine is 260 w 65 gal tank all I know is I like the bta's I heard carpet's are the meanest
You know how it goes in this hobby..........


Active Member
With a lot of anemones in a tank that small I'd be worried about chemical warfare, but if you ran a good amount of carbon it shouldn't be too much of a problem.


different kinds of anemones have the tendency to sting each other so if your tank will have an assortment of different kinds of anemones you might have a stinging problem. Some anemones are more aggressive than others.
Just something to look into before you go and put 3 or 4 different ones together.