Advice on Cowfish tankmates please


New Member
Thanks in advance everyone...
I am almost done setting up my 125 and I'm trying to put my stock list together, but I need some advice...
The tank has to be catered around a long horned cowfish. (He is going to be in Heaven, lol He has been housed in a 55 with just a tiny clown and a damsel for the last 6-7 months) Obviously this limits me, so I was hoping for some input from people with Cowfish experience.
The only fish I have planned so far is a pair of black clowns and possibly a couple Gobies..
I want a fish or 2 (or 3 haha) that is bigger than the Cowfish, but not too aggressive...Maybe a Tang or 2?
Any non-dwarf angels that would work?
I know that people say puffers should not be housed with them, but it has been done before, so are their any non-aggressive puffers that would be worth trying?
Snowflake eel?
I'm open to all suggestions, not just tangs and puffers, so any help is appreciated! Thanks!


Sorry I'm dont know anything about cowfish so I am no help theres just trying to help keep your thread alive since no one has responded yet


Cowfish, had a longhorn, are gentle giants. My was huge, about 10 inches not counting the long tail. Very nice, peaceful, lived with fish much smaller than himself, like a flame angel. A cleaner wrasse terrfied him everytime he wanted to clean the cow. They love freeze-dryed krill, however they do a very annoying thing, which cost me 300 in new drywall. When he is hungry, which is every hour of the day, he might start spitting water out of the tank to get your attention. And I mean spitting, you will see a 10 ml of water fly about 4-5 feet across your room. They are awesome fish, lots personality, and never picked on my corals. Tangs would do great with the cow, but you don't need to go that big. With all the great things said about the cowfish, I had a power outage, no one was home to help the tank, he suffocated, released his toxins, and all the small fish died. Two tangs, where were larger than other fish were able to barely survive.