Advice on what to add next, Please help!!


Hello all, first let me start by saying thanks to everyone of you for all your help and advice. My tank is up and running fine now for the last 7 months. As you all know I have substained some causality, but with that aside all is fine. Now my question is what fish to add next. I have a 55 gal, 65 lbs LR, 55 lbs LS, wet/dry filter w/ bio's, protine skimmer(berlin), 2 402 PH's , and heater. 2 perc. clowns, 1 green cromis, 6 hermits, 2 emeralds crabs, 1 peperment shirmp, 1 coral banded, 1 camel. I would like to add something for the cleaning of my sand bed, and 1 lg fish. Any suggestion ?????
Yellow and blue tangs will get far too large for a tank that size! SOme suggestions for fish who will NOT outgrow your tank are:
pygmy angel
a small tang, like a Kole or a purple
Just some of the choices here, have fun setting up! :)


I would go for a dwarf angel. They are a great fish because they come in all sorts of colours and some are relatively hardy and won't out grow a system like yours. To clean the sand bed you should go for a sand sifting gobie.


i would recommend you get a sleeper goby for your sand they will clean it up very well:D


Active Member
dwarf angel
some more chromis(they will school)
lawnmower blenny
scooter blenny
most any goby


PLease don't put a purple tang in your 55. They are anything but small and tend to be aggressive even in a large tank--in the confines of a 55 they will be absolutely beligerent. A kole or a yellow if you just HAVE to do a tang, but there are better choices.
For your sand try some sifting snails.
Good Luck