

My tanks going into about week number 4 here's the stats:73g bow front tank
2) 80lbs of live sand
3) 70lbs of live rock
3)(2) micro aqua pumps- no more rio!!
4) 3 green chromis damsels
5) 2 clown ocellaris
6) Cyclone bakpak2r skimmer
7)40 watt single(multi-purpose)tube-will be upgraded next payday.
Everything is going great, with exc. of a couple of nitrite jumps due to the LR additions, but I guess thats normal because each time it came back down.
I have 3 basics questions:
1) I've read a lot of posts about lighting, and I'm still confused on some of the abbreviations(ex. NO,VHO,MH, actnic,and power compacts) and feel free to throw in your opinions about your own set-ups. Also I thought of building a canopy for my bowfront, but went against it because of my lack of carpentry skills and the diffuculty of the shape.
2)I plan to add another 20# of LR asap, is it safe to add a clean-up crew before this? or would the nitrite spike be harmful?
3) I know I could probably answer all these questions once this next question gets answered! :rolleyes:
I looked at my LFS for good reef books, but all the recommended ones are like 65 dollars plus. I don't mind paying for a good book, I just want to be sure that it's a good buy. For some reason, barnes and noble(and other bookstores) are out of stock on these titles, so I have to make my choice on reviews and opinions. I'd much rather be able to see what I was going to buy(the books at LFS were wrapped)to make a good decision but it looks as if Im going to have to order it. Recommendations are welcomed!
Sorry for rambling and as always Thanx in advance! :D
Happy reefing!


#2- You should really add all you LR at once. Everytime you add LR your tank is going to recycle. You can add a clean up crew during the diatom period. So I believe you can add them in now.


IMO It is better to add most your rock at once but it is not neccesary. I think 20# at atime is a little to much. The longer you keep adding rock the longer the cycle will be. :(
You can add your clean up crew now but I tend to wait till at least the ammonia spike is over.
IMO HTH Darryl


I too like to add LR slowly.For the reason sammy said and so when you buy LR at the LFS, you don't have to take the junky rock just to fill your tank. You can pick and choose as the new shipments come in. Your tank should be able to handle small(about 10 lbs or less)puchases. I know my pocketbook does! Also the best books you can buy are The Reef Aquarium vol 1&2. I know of a site that sells them for $50 each. Email me and I'll tell you. .Another very good book is Natural Reef Aquariums by Tullock. It's about $25. If I had to pick one I'd get The Reef Aquarium vol.1 first. Good Luck!


Since Im new at reefs, I plan to keep a good cleaning crew, still deciding on the fish, a few of the easier corals, and eventually get into the harder stuff.
With that said(I know its a little vague), I can budget what I need for a good light setup. Something that I can grow into and won't have to replace once I start to get the hang of things. Lighting seems to be a very opiniated subject from what I have read! Ive been putting money away since i took down my FO tank, I just want to make sure and do the reef right! :D
About adding more LR, it sounds like I should add 5-10# instead of the 20# I had planned?
Thanx again, and sorry about the vagueness ;)


New Member
another thing about getting the cleanup crew before your other lr is it a pain moving all those criitters around trying to get your rock where you want it.


In re your question on books, yes, the good ones are expensive, and Amazon-Barnes and Noble are always out!!! :mad:
My personal fav is The Reef Aquarium by Julian Sprung, vol 1 (covers basic tank setup, hard corals.) The volume 2 covers mostly soft corals and anenomes, but I think volume one is better cause it has more tank set up and reef background info. Both of these books are around $80 (yeesh) but well worth it.
I also like The Modern Coral Reef Aquarium by Fossa and Nilsen, but its very technical and a bit of a dryer read, but WOW the pictures are inspiring. Also expensive.
It's really hard to get aquarium books anywhere except fish stores. You might want to check online to see if you can get a better price tho.


Active Member
In the area of lighting there isnt much doubt what is the best.
MH with actinic support cant be beat, if you can afford it. Plus Flo lighting cant compare to how dramatic MH lights are visually, IMHO.
400watt MH with VHO actinic is the grand daddy of home reef lighting, that is why it is used exclusively by the best coral farmers.


It seems pretty unanimous about the type of lighting to use. Just out of curiosity, what price range does a MH w/ actnitic support run for a 72g tank? Ive seen a few prices for the MH on the web but it varies so much, Im not sure if thats excatly the set-up im looking for. Whew! I feel like Im back in school taking reef 101! :p
Thanx again everyone!


I ordered a 480watt MH/PC combo retrofit (2 MH and 2 PCs - 48" long) and it cost me a tad over $500 inclu shipping. There is another versin of this same setup with the fans and moulded enclosure for about $150 more. Mine is coming in Tomorrow (yay!) and I'll be working on installing it into my canopy and posting some pictures along the way.


Let me know how your set-up goes. It sounds like a good combo. If you get a chance drop me an email to where you ordered your lights from, if you don't mind.. Does your lighting require a homemade canopy or can you get a set-up that already fits on the tank?
Thanks and good luck!