Advise for a 29G


New Member
I have a 29 gallon tank and I have 2 small false perculas, 1 bangaii cardinal and 1 royal gramma.
The tank looks nearly empty, what should I add next, experts please advise


You are pretty much at the stock limit but if you really want a fish i would go with something small like a yellow watchman goby.


Originally Posted by raj
I have a 29 gallon tank and I have 2 small false perculas, 1 bangaii cardinal and 1 royal gramma.
The tank looks nearly empty, what should I add next, experts please advise
I am sure that it sounds weird that 4 fish could be the limit on a 29, but it is true. Saltwater tanks cannot house the amount of fish that FW tanks can. You can get away with a bottom dweller such as the watchman goby that was suggested, or another smaller goby.