Advise on a 150 partitioned for sump


I've been looking around for a 125 or a 135 because I'd like to keep large species (ie: tangs, butterflies, etc) and I thought I'd like to use a sump this time for astetic reasons. But instead of having to mess with the plumbing and all of that I had this idea. Couldn't I get a 150 (72x24 footprint) and partition off the back 6 inches or so with black acrylic and use it for a sump? This would still give me about 125 gallons on the front with a 25 gallon filtration system on the back.
Has anyone ever done this, and if so what advice could you give? Or what are some of the others' ideas on this, pros or cons?

devil dog

Active Member
A 150 is not 24" deep that would be a 180... and that would work I think if you could have your DT be around 18" that would jive you about 6" for your sump/refuge I think that might work...


Active Member
you could do this, but that section you add to split it up would need to be glass, as well it would need to be sized suffieciently to support the load of the water inside the DT compartment. IMO, get a 30 gal, or better yet a 55, and make a sump.