advise on fish and coral


I'm just starting out a 29 gallon aquariam, I plan on making it coral and fish. I was wondering if coral grows in size, like an orange carnation. Or if aneomes grow. I didn't know about. And if live rock and live sand really are good filters. ANY ADVICE IS APPRECIATED (i know NOTHING about saltwater tanks) Thanks so much!


how do you establish an aquariam? I purchased a book...but it's just scientific facts about what salt is, and says nothing about starting an aquariam. My LFS said it was a good book. What is cycling, and how long do I do it before adding fish? Do I put the water in the tank first, or the sand? Thanks so much


New Member
how long has your tank been up for or have you started it yet? What type of lighting do you have and filters etc..


Active Member
The cycle is the time when you let the beneficial bacteria multiply and grow in the tank before adding any livestock. This would take roughly a month or so. Water or sand first, it doesn't matter. If you want a deep sand bed to help keep the nitrates down, you should have 3-4" of sand.


well...I have just bought the "29 gallon delux aquariam kit", it contains a flourence light, 100wt heater, filter and that's basically it. No, i haven't set up the aquariam, i didn't want to until I had studied, because right now I have no knowledge on anything about sw.


New Member
i would go with power compacts for your tank since its a 29 ga. JbJ is good lighting. and i would buy some live sand or just sand like 0 grade. filters i would go with a canster type and a scimer. if ya need the whole run down on seting up a sw tank email me ill make ya a list on what to start


Active Member
If you plan on keeping any corals you should definately get at least power compact lighting for your tank. A protein skimmer for filtration and a couple of powerheads for water movement. You'll need a good test kit to test your water parameters.
What book did you get from the lfs? Go to your local library and borrow a book on how to start a salt water aquarium. HTH


a book is great, i agree.
but i too just got into this hobby and am in the midst of building my own tank, and the information ive read on this site alone in the last couple of days have given me the needed basics.
'o internet, how i love thee.
this site is truly great, as well. the community in here seems top knotch.


What is a power compact? A power head? Do you need a special filtration system? And the book I bought from the lfs was "The Seawater Manual." I am still very confused about this whole deal.


Active Member
Like I said, you need to get another book on how to start a salt water aquarium. What you got just won't do. Power compact is a type of aquarium lighting. There are three major types of aquarium lighting for keeping corals. The best being Metal Halides, then Power Compact florescents and VHO. A powerhead is basically a submersible water pump. hth


thanks, i was wondering whenever you're putting coral in the tank, do you just put it on top of the live rock and let it grow there, or how do you put it in the tank? and how do you make it look like layers are growing? like "motohead" tank in the aquariam contest, it's really quite beautiful. I just don't know how you make it look so natural, plz help


Active Member
Different coral have different requirements as far as placement goes. You'll have to do some research on the specific need of each coral that you plan to keep.