


Im getting alot of adware and spyware. What is a good program to delete them? Nortan obviously can not.


Active Member
AdAware is freeware available on the net for download. Its by Lavasoft. That will take care of most of it, but SpyBot is better and will get rid of just about all of it.
I run both.


Avoid Spyhunter. It runs and tells you you have seek seek on your computer. Then it tells you you have to pay to remove the spyware it found. What it does not tell you is that spyhunter put it there in the first place.


Active Member
spyware blaster stops it from downloading, and adaware and spybot are both good at removing it. Some spyware needs a personal touch from a specific download, but these three things together do well.


Spywareblaster has made Spybot obsolete. Spybot never found any spyware after I installed Spywareblaster. And it's free (at least it used to be).


1. spywareblaster free
2. adaware free
3. spysweeper freeware but it pays to have fullware.
I run the following with a complete clean install. I wiped the drive and installed software from trusted sites only. So far I have only had one piece of spyware the alexa toolbar that comes with Internet Explorer 6. I watched the installs pretty close now. I can give you all a list of trusted sites that I am using if it will do you any good.


Active Member
these all scan for free, but wont let me remove anything unless i pay. is there any that is totally free?


Staff member
Spywareblaster and Spybot is free. Also, stop using IE! Most adware comes thru on IE. Use Firefox/Mozilla.
Chances are if you got adware, then it is in your pc to stay like a ticking bomb until you reformat your HD. Then install sygate [free firewall]. Then start using all of the above and the popup blocker that comes with Mozilla. If you insist on using IE, at your own risk, then also download the new popup blocker.
Thank you son for the heads up on freebie progies! :D


Active Member
i ended up paying $20 for adwarex and i am still having problems. i'll check out the ones you mentioned beth also. i hate reformatting, it TOTALLY SUCKS!


Active Member
no internet explorer? that is weird, i was under the assumption that the things that come pre-installed are safe (never assume i guess :eek: )


Staff member
I was listening to a radio show the other day and someone who works for Microsoft was on there. They were discussing the adware problems and how all the adware and hackers gear their invasive programs to operate with IE. So, the host asked so what is the solution. Well, you wouldn't believe it but the guy from MS said, "Firefox" puts out a good browser and its safer than IE because no one is designing programs to infiltrate it. LOL
There you have it! Everyone use Firefox.....and its FREE.
I used Mozilla and now the recently released Firefox for about 2 mos. Seems to be doing ok. However, you need to reformt to get rid of everything that was on there to begin with, then install Firefox, S&D, Spywareblasters and then use Sygate Firewall....everthing is free! Turn on the popup blocker then when Sygate asks you about allowing a site, you need to take care what you say "yes" to.


Active Member
i downloaded mozilla/firefox (thats how it came up, both the same thing?) now, after you did this did you uninstalll IE?) and how do you create short cuts on your desktop? also, my bar next to where i type is working kinds weird, blinking type thing & kinda covers the last letter i type. do you have this going on too?


Active Member
also, if i click on a link that is already on my desktop, i get an error message that says it cant find the site even though i am already in it:happyfish ?



Originally posted by Beth
I was listening to a radio show the other day and someone who works for Microsoft was on there. They were discussing the adware problems and how all the adware and hackers gear their invasive programs to operate with IE. So, the host asked so what is the solution. Well, you wouldn't believe it but the guy from MS said, "Firefox" puts out a good browser and its safer than IE because no one is designing programs to infiltrate it. LOL

Actuallyt I just read this today about FireFox.


Active Member
In order to "win" the browser wars (IE at one time had a VERY small user base on the internet) MS hooked, attached, embedded, connected, installed and merged IE into Windows. This allowed MS to come up with cool technologies and new ways of doing things that the other browsers couldn't/wouldn't. They defined their own standards and because of integration with Windows things worked faster/better.....
BUT, there is always a but.....
Compromise the browser (easy to do, CERT, and the Department of Homeland Security both recommend you use a browser other than IE) and you have access to Windows.
Use Mozilla, Firefox, Opera, Netscape, ANYTHING but IE and you will find IE sucks, and suprisingly most of your popup, spyware, and other problems decrease or altogether go away.