Aesthetically pleasing return without drilled tank


Active Member
I have 2 pieces of 3/4" PVC behind my tank leading up to the top. Whats the best looking thing I can use to place the water into the tank? I've seen pictures of what looks like a black, semi-flexible tubing going into the tank. Anyone know what that is or have better ideas?


loc-line sounds like what you are thinking of. for another alternative some people just use black pvc which can work just as well and doesn't necissarily look bad


Active Member
the black pipe is not PVC, its ABS
Still safe but requires different glue. You can build it any way you like.
PVC converted to swivel loc-line would be the cleanest. Google it and see if it is what your thinking in your head for what your finished look to be.


Active Member
loc-line, that was it. While I was looking at that I saw something called a flow accelerator with a 3/4" male thread. Sounds pretty cool, anyone know if its worthwhile to add those to get a more powerful flow into your tank?


Active Member
Flow accelerator?
isnt that also know as: Useless Yet High Priced Wallet Drainer
Necking down your plumbing will increase your pressure, not your volume. But it will be harder on your pump.
Depending on the pump it can be a good or bad thing as some handle backpressure better than others. Some become energy hogs


Active Member
Its an old pump, I dont know the brand offhand so I guess I'll play it safe and just get the locline. Thanks again!


Active Member
Don't forget when you get loc-line you also need the loc-line pliers to put the pieces together. It is not impossible to get them together without it, but they are a real pain in the butt if you know what I mean. I am not sure if the size difference matters but I used to run CNC machines and we had 1/2 loc-line and it was nearly impossible to get two pieces to mate by hand.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
Originally Posted by prime311
loc-line, that was it. While I was looking at that I saw something called a flow accelerator with a 3/4" male thread.
Those rock they work by drawing water from tank into stream to increase flow.There is another name for them though and i cant think of it at the moment.

veni vidi vici

Active Member
I remember now "Enductors"they entrain water by pumping hi volocity water streams throughopen backed ,flared nozzle,additional gallons are pulled (entrained)along the same path.The best entrainment rates are achieved with the use of preasure rated pumps.
From: The search for Perfect Flow
Jim Adelberg-Reef Hobbyist Magazine