Afew new pics


Active Member
Hi Puffer,
Your tank's looking really great!! I love those candy cane corals. I was this close (holding thumb and forefinger together really, really close) to getting one this past weekend, but I decided that I would wait until my new lighting comes, just to be on the safe side. Hopefully my lights will be here this week yet, I can't wait to see how they look!!
Again, great job on the tank!!
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
Hi Puffer,
Your tank's looking really great!! I love those candy cane corals. I was this close (holding thumb and forefinger together really, really close) to getting one this past weekend, but I decided that I would wait until my new lighting comes, just to be on the safe side. Hopefully my lights will be here this week yet, I can't wait to see how they look!!
Again, great job on the tank!!
Lisa :happyfish
Thanks, what kind of lighting are you getting? My corals are doing great under 260 pc lighting.


Active Member
That's exactly what I'm waiting to arrive, 2 x 65 daylight, 2 x 65 actinics, and 3/4 watt lunars. Separate switches, 2 cooling fans, and blah, blah, blah

I'm really looking forward to getting my new lights to see what a difference it will really make. Right now I'm running 1 x 65 daylight and 1 x 65 actinic, and I know that made a HUGE difference from the flourescent lights that came with my tank. A great first step, I think. Here I go.
Again, your tank is looking great!! I'll post pics as I'm able to add more and more corals (that's probably going to be my goal for the next 6 months...add more corals!!!). Doncha love it???
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
That's exactly what I'm waiting to arrive, 2 x 65 daylight, 2 x 65 actinics, and 3/4 watt lunars. Separate switches, 2 cooling fans, and blah, blah, blah

I'm really looking forward to getting my new lights to see what a difference it will really make. Right now I'm running 1 x 65 daylight and 1 x 65 actinic, and I know that made a HUGE difference from the flourescent lights that came with my tank. A great first step, I think. Here I go.
Again, your tank is looking great!! I'll post pics as I'm able to add more and more corals (that's probably going to be my goal for the next 6 months...add more corals!!!). Doncha love it???
Lisa :happyfish
You will love your pc lighting, so far nothing is doing poor cause of it. I DO love it! I drag hubby out most weekends in search of things for the tank, its nice he is getting into the hobby as well, makes spending so much money easier LOL! Good luck with your lights, can't wait to see some of your corals, you will have soooooooo much fun getting them
Must be the woman in me, but while most of my friends love to shop for clothes, i love shopping for my tank


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
Must be the woman in me, but while most of my friends love to shop for clothes, i love shopping for my tank

Here, here!!!
Lisa :happyfish


What's that orange thing? I love it! I currently have a FOWLR, but I'm getting ready to set up a nano reef. I'm trying to pick out what I want for it. Your tank looks great!


Active Member
I was going to ask about that too, but my question was going to be,
"What's that orange Chinese hat looking thing?"

Orange plate. Are they difficult? It's doing okay under your present lighting...since that's pretty much what I'm (still) waiting for.
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
MonaLisa, i read plates are pretty easy. I have only had mine for a week, and so far so good
He's eating like a champ. I have it down pretty low on a flat rock, according to my LFS, they need to be flat, but not in the sand cause it can irrate them. He said my lighting is fine, and i trust him. i have bought many things from him and he doesn't sell his stuff unless its 100% healthy and i haven't lost anything hes sold me. He will lose a sale before he sells me anything my tank and lights can't handle. He really loves the hobby.


Active Member
Originally Posted by puffer32
MonaLisa, i read plates are pretty easy. I have only had mine for a week, and so far so good
He's eating like a champ. I have it down pretty low on a flat rock, according to my LFS, they need to be flat, but not in the sand cause it can irrate them. He said my lighting is fine, and i trust him. i have bought many things from him and he doesn't sell his stuff unless its 100% healthy and i haven't lost anything hes sold me. He will lose a sale before he sells me anything my tank and lights can't handle. He really loves the hobby.

LUCKY!! I always have to take my chances at my LFS that there'll be someone in who even KNOWS anything about the hobby. Usually though, if I go in and find myself being totally ignored for a long period of time, there's probably no one there I want to talk with anyway...kinda got it down to a science...sad, isn't it?
Lisa :happyfish


Active Member
Originally Posted by MonaLisa
LUCKY!! I always have to take my chances at my LFS that there'll be someone in who even KNOWS anything about the hobby. Usually though, if I go in and find myself being totally ignored for a long period of time, there's probably no one there I want to talk with anyway...kinda got it down to a science...sad, isn't it?
Lisa :happyfish
Yep, very sad. We were out of town yesterday and stopped at a huge aquarium store, to bad NO ONE in it knew beans about anything. I was actually helping customers lol! I got 2 new fish and afew corals, and thankfully i knew enough to know what i can and can't have, others don't and could really get some bad advice in this store. They had at least 20 people working in the fish department alone (huge warehouse store) and not 1 person asked me anything about my tank!


Active Member
That's why I feel SO lucky to have this board to come to. When I see a "gotta have", I will come here to make sure it's something that will do well with the set up I have, which isn't all that much right now, but so far I've had pretty good luck with everything **knock on wood**.
Lisa :happyfish