Afew pics of my new 15 gal tank.


Active Member
Its been up for about a month now. I have a small 2 gobies, but I couldn't get a pic of the green clown goby, he is still hiding. And a sexy shrimp, also a pistol shrimp who lives in a burrow with my Randall's goby. I still neeed to buy lighting before I can get corals, I am using a small coral life for now, it is doing a good job for now, it has 2, 9 watt, 67K bulbs, have no idea what lighting to buy to keep corals.



Active Member
nice start! i like how you put little caves. just needs a little more live rock. By the way...i loooooove your sexy shrimp! lol sooo cute i plan on buying one this week!


Active Member
when it comes to lighting it depends on what kind of coral you plan on having as well as how much money you are willing to spend...lights can cost a lot.


Active Member
Originally Posted by DeMartini
when it comes to lighting it depends on what kind of coral you plan on having as well as how much money you are willing to spend...lights can cost a lot.
Yeah still paying for the ones on my 150 gal lol

I plan on getting more rocks but I am in no hurry, like to shop for pieces like everything else I put in my tanks. I actually have 12 lbs in there already. Unlike me, hubby hates to much LR in a tank, actually sneaked some into the other tank when he was away once, took him afew hrs to notice lol


You could get a couple doube 24 inch T5 fixtures that coralife makes. That is what i'm looking at for my 20L. they come with two HO bulbs a white and an actinic. I was thinking of swapping the bulbs around so one was all blue and the other white. Should be plenty of lighting for most anything you want.


Active Member
Hmmmmmmmm like the idea of T's I have them on my 150, and couldn't be happier with what I can keep in it. I want enough light in this 15 so I will have the same options as my 150, don't know if they will fit on my 15H, its 20 inches not 24.


Active Member
Hmmmmmmmm like the idea of T's I have them on my 150, and couldn't be happier with what I can keep in it, everything flourishes in it! I want enough light on this 15 so I will have the same options as my 150, don't know if they will fit on my 15H, its 20 inches not 24.