African Clown, hosting flower pot coral.


I have my african clown in my 35gal tank for 3 months now. I bought a flower pot coral two weeks ago and placed it to a rocky area. The next morning i saw my clown hosting the flower pot. Should i let the clown host the coral? the coral is still ok though, but it kept on shrinking everytime the clown lay down on her. Im afraid the coral might get upset and may die in the future. What should i do?


I've heard of clowns hosting corals. :) Especially flower pots, toadstool leathers, and the like.
Most likely, the coral will get used to the clown hosting it and stay open for it. I've never had this happen to me, but that's what I've seen.
Is your flower pot a gonipora? They don't have a very good history of surviving in aquariums. :nope: My friend had started in her tank, then went to mine, then to her brother's (jobob), and it just died recently. She got it like over a year ago though, so I guess it had a good run. I hope you have better luck with yours!


Active Member
The clown doesn't host the coral..... If the clown accepts it, the coral will be the host. Most times it works out okay, but sometimes the clown can be rough on the hosting coral, resulting in injury or death. Short of taking the clown or coral out of the tank there's nothing that can be done about it. :D