after adding fresh water - salinity test


Yep how long do you wait till you test your salinity after adding your evaporated water? so that everything is good and mixed


Active Member
Wait at least an hour, how much freshwater did you add? You may want to look into a auto top off system (there are some nice ones for under $100)

payton 350

try to mark a water line or some reference on the tank to know exactly where water level is supposed to be...then when water evaporates you just fill up to that line...


Originally Posted by Payton 350
try to mark a water line or some reference on the tank to know exactly where water level is supposed to be...then when water evaporates you just fill up to that line...
thanks for that info.. i think i added a little to much water.. and my salinity went down a bit but i dont' have anyting in the tank..
but say i did how would you go about doing it? would you take some water out and then add mix some salt to it get the test that water.. and add the right amout of salt then put it back in?


Originally Posted by fedukeford
Wait at least an hour, how much freshwater did you add? You may want to look into a auto top off system (there are some nice ones for under $100)
thanks will do that.. i think i added 1.5 G
it would be nice an auto top off but i can manage my myself for a bit just strating out and no more to spend rigght now.