AGA Twin Flow ?


I'm setting up a 75 gal twin flow overfow reef, and I ran the drain line straight down to underneath the water level in the sump. I did this in hopes to minimize splashing and bubbles in the sump. Well, I think the idea backfired because there seems to be alot of bubbles making it back into the tank! Does anyone else have a twin flow, and if you do, how do you run the drain line? I was thinking of maybe trying a spraybar or just an elbow above the water level. Any ideas?


Active Member
Is there a baffle on your sump at all?
I ran my output above the sump water level to help add oxygen. Then I had a baffle to help catch the bubbles.
If the pump is new, it could have some air trapped inside of it. Mine had this problem for a day or so and then cleared up.


Active Member
Two thoughts. 1. Do you have the drain on the opposite side of the sump from the return? 2. Add a 90 on the intake of your return pump to pull water from the bottom of the tank if possible. As wamp said baffling will help a great deal as well.
Good luck!


Yes, the drain is at the opposite side of the sump as the pump. I changed the drain to come out right at the water level in the sump and it seems to work a little better. I will try to add a baffle near the pump and will add the elbow at the return pump.